Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The Art And Beauty Of Self~Love {Why You Don't Have It And How To Regain It} Portion I

My dear friends,

It seems since Sawyer's passing, I have had many women and young folks reach out to me, with sentiments of sending well wishes, and deep compassion. I am indeed appreciative, I couldn't feel more love from my fellow being than now. You/ they have been so very kind and loving.

It has unravelled a feeling of comfort, that women feel they might confide in me. It has afforded me an excellent way to connect with them. One of my soul purposes is to inspire women and children around the world, to believe in themselves; to undoubtedly convince them that nothing is impossible. They can be, do or have anything that their dear hearts desire.

So, today, I thought I might share a bit of my voyage back to self-love. Once you re~awaken your feelings of self-love, you will then be able to unapologetically, take back control of your life.

So often when I think about the topic of self-love, it's misunderstood by many.

Self-love has nothing to do with being conceited, selfish or the ego. Real self-love means not just loving yourself on the outside, but most assuredly on the inside. The inside being of most considerable importance.

The English Settlement foundation curriculum is at the cornerstone, based on self-love.

Self-love is internal. I raised my children the very best. I always taught my children to reach inside themselves and to be confident about who they are on the inside before they dare try and work on attempting to "fix" their outsides first.

I want to preface that anything I am saying in this post has nothing to do with judgement. I could genuinely care less about what other people do. My desire with this post is to break down the reasons people do what they do. Most often, we begin trying to change things first, from the outside instead of from the inside.

I, for one, will be the first to admit, we all do the things we do because we believe that in the doing, or having them it will make us feel better.

There are many reasons why it has been challenging to have self-love and here are a few:

1. You were raised in a dysfunctional environment. Those that represented your role models as a youngster devalued individuality, and there were strict family roles. {In my family, The man was the maker of all rules and women were of lesser value, and not able to make big or critical decisions.}

2. Your negative life experiences reinforced the belief that you were less than, inadvertently preventing you from faith in yourself. Your true inner mermaid of power and beauty feels unreachable.

3. The influence of the media is heavy~laden. Television shows, movies, ads, youtube channel content creators, and Instagram celebrities stir feelings of insecurity.

4. Most folks in society reinforce inauthenticity, low self-esteem, and poor decision making. These type of people are the piranhas; feeding the frenzied cycle of insecurities and confusion.

5. You're allowing your daily habits, commitments and life choices to control your thoughts; therefore, you don't take the necessary time to meditate/soul search to unearth who you indeed are. Thus, Self-love henceforth evades you.

One of the best ways to rebuild self-love is to begin meditating. I think that too often, in an attempt to inspire others, many spiritual teachers give a long tally list, and the student becomes overwhelmed. This is a subject that is an attempt to unearth and completely change your life from the inside out. So, I believe simplicity is best. We have to begin someplace that is easy to take on. So let us start with the habit of meditation, and later we'll go from there, yes?
{I made this meditation video, several years ago, and plan to revise it once my signage comes in, but this is still a good one to follow. Also, I am tickled conch shell pink to get the signage for The English Settlement. I found the artist Christina Blackledge from viewing Robin Brown's signage for her Flagship Store and Magnolia Pearl clothing. Whereas I am an artist myself, I believe we should support others in our same field. It's so important to give resources when we are capable.}

I look forward to hearing about your meditation practice and how it's going for you. Please feel free to reach out with any questions.

Most affably yours til my next swim, Raquelxxx


  1. After one of your last posts, I had a 9 hr drive. I downloaded "several" A Hicks podcasts and would listen to one or two then ponder for a while with only the sound of the road, then listen to another, then think on it for a while. That might not sound like a perfect meditation, but it was certainly therapeutic. There were/are things I had not considered that I was made aware of. Having the time to reflect then decide how I could change and proceed was a blessing. Also, thank you- not sure why I hadn't looked them up before then. (I don't listen to many podcasts 😊)

    1. Oh my! That is wonderful. I think it's such a beautiful opening feeling when listening. It's nice to have something to ponder when driving such long distances, yes? I'm so happy for you. I bet you gained much. I love you!


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