Sunday, October 6, 2024

A Month of Charming Delights & A Great Download For The Collective About Our Future World

Hello, my darling dear mermaid hearts, 

Did you pour yourself a cup of tea? My favourite nittens to do for a cosy, happy day of "Following My Bliss" is to make several beverages (my darling, I am a Pisces, after all, and so, of course, I keep several beverages) at my secretary whilst I am either writing or painting little storybooks. I make a cup of tea in a bone china teacup and saucer. One, in bone china, from England because it holds the heat in for such a long time, and two, i want to always feel like a lady, hence why i only use a teacup, not a beastly ole' enormous coffee mug. Smile. 

Let's prattle about the different moods and flavours for September, October, and November. December, I will prattle about it at a later time. They consist of a hot spice from Harney and Sons and, of course, Fortnum and Mason. It is divine. I then add my yummy brown sugar cubes (from England; here's the link to the ones I am mad for, and you will be mad as well), a smidge of vanilla creamer and a dollop of whipped cream atop my tea. Alongside my tea, i always keep my mason jar of sparkling Lacroix. (Mermaids must always remain hydrated. It is the makeup of our landlocked enlightened bodies, my darlings. It also keeps one's face as an angelic doll, wards off headaches, etc.) 

Jeffrey Shawn and I are presently back home from our sweet little vacation to see my daughter get married and ultimately see and reunite with my two boys (i have three sons, but as you know, Sawyer made his transition in 2019). I dont mean to create a damper of this post; however, this is my playground, and i speak about what suits my fancy, and i am a human being, not a happy bag ragdoll Annie all of the time. After almost near to a decade of parental alienation, i was able to reunite with my boys, and we have mended our hearts.
Dear friends, i want to share my heart with you and big you up a bit, most especially if you've ever struggled with existing in a narcisitic relationship and have experienced parental alienation. I am here to encourage you that manifestation works. It always works, my darling. If you've grappled, remember there is nothing you can not be, do or have in life. You must be courageous, persistent and tenacious.

"No grit, no pearl."

I am currently in the cottage all cosy, spending my day with the rabbit and kittens whilst i paint the few illustrations i have left for The Tale of the Christmas Bunnies. I was hoping to have the book out on October 7th. However, that isn't going to happen. It is still set for October, though. 
Let me tell you about our trip to Oklahoma. We rented our chariot, drove on our adventure, and stayed in the historic village of Guthrie, Oklahoma. Whenever i can stay in a landmark location, i would always rather do so than stay in a modern place. I was able to bond more closely with my daughter and my two precious boys, Carter and Brooker. It has been a little over nine years since I've seen my two boys, and i did quite a bit of manifesting using the law of assumption, and we were able to mend and heal our hearts.
Have you ever been to Oklahoma? Well, Guthrie is a historic town with lovely little antique shops, the most extensive historical Victorian pharmacy, and the hotel Dominion House (above) is absolutely glorious. Of course, that's where Jeffrey and I would choose to stay. Isn't it glorious and wonderful! I love that my husband adores old architecture and historical places like myself. I dreamt and manifested that i would have a lovely chap who wore newsboy caps, loved to antique and garden, and also enjoyed history as much as me, and finally, after twenty-plus years, i found him. Never give up on your dreams, my friends. It is always possible to begin chasing your dreams. I promise, friend. 

I promise to share more lovely bits of the wedding and the fun places so you can enjoy them, too. You might even find yourself staying there someday. I've decided to bring you along more to deepen our friendship. Isn't that a fun notion? You must understand the five years I've been healing and in hermit mode was so that i could deeply heal all of my chakras continue to work on myself deeply; and i believe i did so very well, and i indeed would say that I've reinvented myself. You know, my darling, when you want to change your life and become the greatest version of yourself, you must kill off the old you. There is no way to be a new version of yourself if one doesn't recreate that new version and live in that knowing. For example, if you know anything about the law of assumption, you know you must persist in the desire until it hardens into fact. If you desire an old-fashioned life, slow living cottage core, homesteading, and being a New York Times best-seller, you must embody that version of yourself.

Remain in the state until the 3D reality shows itself. You may say to me, Razzy, but I tried manifesting, and it didn't work, to which i would say, well, why did you stop visualising? You do not quit until it hardens into fact. Full stop! It must imprint your subconscious mind. You continue forward no matter what. You continue even when the world is showing you nothing is happening. When people are laughing at you, telling you you're drinking seawater, you've gone off, it's never going to happen for you, keep counting you out, etc. You keep going. Tell yourself someone is getting off the treadmill and giving up the race, and it's not going to be you. It's you when they pull your cold, dead hands from it, and that's the only way you're giving up. There's no such thing as giving up. It doesn't exist in my world. 

The only way most women will have this sort of determination, though, is if they rewire their subconscious minds with new beliefs. If they don't, it will never happen to them. This lack of understanding of the law of assumption is why the world isn't full of profoundly strong-willed people. Many will say they are strong, but as soon as something gets really tough, they falter rather than pivot. It's because of a lack of self-belief and faith. One's mindset is foundationally built. When a wave of uncertainty or struggle happens, one can't hack it and give up. Look around at how many folks fail or stop trying. There are loads of people. They decide, "It's too hard, and surrender." Learn to rest when it's formidable. We all have a trying time here and there but do not give up. Just rest and re-energise yourself and begin again! I think of it like swimming. When i was tired from swimming, i didn't stop altogether; i merely rested and relaxed to a float until i gained my strength and began again. We all need to take a respite, and if someone acts like they never struggle, they're not being transparent. Every human being grapples with difficulties at one time or another. We are humans experiencing a human life, and difficulty is a part of the earth's schooling. 

My darling, these high and mighty folks who act as though they have a perfect life are full of rubbish. Watch what people do, not what they say. I always watch patterns of what people exhibit. If it looks like a skettle of fish, it usually stinks, and time will tell. It always does.

{Download Channelled message from Spirit}
"Heaven is within. We all carry the consciousness of Christ, and we are all Gods. When you begin to understand truth for what it is and not what we were taught as young ones, that is where sovereignty lies. You will be unrestricted and expand to become the most excellent version of yourself. We are now in the time of Christ's Consciousness. The essence of Christ will now reign, and no one can do anything about it. Religion will no longer be the focus the way it was during the reign of Pisces, and the spiritual (meek) will inherit the earth. We will all come back to the way it was before. There is a new earth (metaphorical), and you will jump timelines, no longer in the old world if you are enlightened. If not, you will fall off with the old world. We will return to grassroots, community-driven ways of life, utilising in exchange goods and services from one another, handmade, trade, bartering, using old travel such as horses, walking and bicycling (prepare your bicycles), canning, wearing old clothing, sewing, and homesteading. The men will be required to build through an organic template of housing, and the women will cook and nurture. It will be another coming together to help and assist. For example, I will have gardens full of food, chickens, holistic medicine, and fresh water. For instance, Sally will have pumpkins and corn down the lane. We will travel to and fro in exchange for our needs being met. We will go back to bartering and caring for each other. We will love one another as ourselves, understanding that we are all one in consciousness. The age of Aquarius is here. What a beautiful time it is to be alive! Do not fear; do not be a hearer only of the word. You must be a doer of the word. Let us go into the silence." 

Okay, i am back to painting. I hope your Sunday is lovely. 

If you desire preparedness, here is a little ticklist i have had for decades. Copy it and make a few up for your family, and if you can add in an extra one, give it to someone in need. Making up 72-hour kits and sending them to other parts where they are destitute would be a terrific service project. 

Most affably, yours til my next swim, Razzy

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