Monday, December 30, 2024

Animals Are Our Teachers

My dear mermaid hearts,
Here's a lovely little bit i posted a few days ago on ye old tube, (or watch it below)
and i think you'll find it rather charming. We are reaching new heights, and I am very tickled with the direction of my YouTube channel and blog. I am grateful for you and for being here. We are indeed kindred spirits.
I also posted another video about animals being our teachers. If you would rather enjoy that video than read the text, you can watch it below. 
My kittens (they are fully grown, but i still love calling them my dear little kittens) have taught me so many life lessons; one in particular was overcoming my childhood abandonment. I will share that in more depth another day; however, today's post is about something different, likewise about my little kittens. Animals never worry. My kittens never worry; they trust and know they are always taken care of; they know i will always give them their food, water, treats and bowl of warm milk, and I always will because i love them. Just as our Mermaid Inner Being(aka higher self/ The Great Creator/ Universe loves us and continuously supplies the necessary notions. We will always receive anything we ask for; however, i must clarify this quote i wrote because it's imperative to understand trust.

“ The amount of trust we have in ourselves must be of equal facility to the trust we have in our Mermaid Inner Being.” Lady Raquel M Carter

Now, my darling, dear mermaid hearts, the reason i say this is because when we do not trust ourselves, we will find it rather difficult to trust others, much less a deity (the Great Creator/Universe/ Source), for example. 
When we ask for things, we still live in the third-dimensional world where the vibration is relatively low on the scale of consciousness. Once we move up the map of consciousness, we will not strive to “Get” things. Ask, and it is given. The objective is for us to “trust” and allow. We must surrender our will to our higher will. Many folks do not want to do this or do inner work because we all have this little human notion we are born with called the (ego), which ive nicknamed “My Poppet.” We must treat “Our Poppet” with a gigglemug as it will always strive against the mortality of the human experince, which is getting things, control, validation, external offerings, all low vibrational nonsense on stilts. We must override the “Poppet” master poppet. We allow it to be there but do not allow it to override our soul's perspective. We all have a “Lil Poppet”; it is our friend because it's a part of our earthly experience and tangible body; however, it mustn't rule us. One must starve it out by not giving it the things that generate energy it needs to activate. Now, just as one feeds addiction and allows its focus (this male aspect, the conscious mind that is focus), it will grow; therefore, do not give it energy. This concept is another reason i vehemently advocate the importance of listening to new beliefs at night to rewrite the subconscious mind. Just as you must program a computer, you must reprogram the mind to have all new lovely beliefs. Because as a child, the majority of humans are working off of old paradigms, programs and limiting beliefs imposed upon us from our families, organised religions, ancestry, etc., and many are rubbish beliefs and utterly disempowering. Just as i have done for over four years, i went on an exploration and became a test (guinea pig) to see what worked and didn't. I will now tell. You know that, yes, when you focus on lower 3D manifestations, some will come, and most will not in a sustainable measure. This concept means that, yes, you will manifest your desire, but it will not sustain itself long-term, and it will always turn out dreadful because it's a forced (low vibrational 3D: 200 and under on the Map of Consciousness) manifestation. Everything is Energy.

Here's why, my darlings; remember, at the start of this post, I said that we ask, and it is given. Now, if we begin acting like a spoilt child and pitch a fit, we do not get what we want, and no, the reason is not a form of punishment. It is our higher self (Mermaid Inner Being/ Higher Soul, The God Aspect of Ourself) who knows the greater desire within us, and it is to teach us through lessons. And we need to learn not to be attached to earthly things; we are here to learn, grow and expand. This little notion is because we typically receive things when we no longer care (with the caveat we know as Creators how to manifest using Neville Goddard’s techniques properly).

It's not filling an earthly gap; we (Our Higher Self know those things are fleeting and not what life is all about.) Our higher soul is then saying,” Okay, my love, you have learned”, and youre now in the state that your higher soul longed to be, and you raised your vibrational state; well done, darling.” 

Most affably yours til my next swim, Lady R

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