The Carter Settlement


"All children are born geniuses but are trained out of their godlike power by society and generational conditioning." Raquel M Carter

The Carter Settlement is a way of life, a Renaissance hearkening to the days of Victorian life. It is a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit organisation dedicated to furthering districts by encouraging women and children to recall their zest for life.

The Carter Settlement achieves these pursuits through small gatherings and workshops, commentary through classes, curating programs, and giving rise to content, merchandise and events. 

The Carter Settlement events inspire the message in a bottle; the "Take Joy" movement (inspired by Tasha Tudor, Beatrix Potter and Laura Ingall's Wilder) and illuminate its ideas through an immersive display of authentic participation in personal development classes, workshops and small gatherings. Thus, the Carter Settlement events are both collective gatherings, personally empowering, and transformational. The experiences encourage and blend the lines between self-concept and one's unique ability to comprehend their threaded connection with Inner Consciousness.



Raquel faced unfortunate life experiences as a woman/mother and bore a son who also met incidents as a young person. Unfortunately, in June of 2019, the same child who faced man" struggles as a youth was brutally murdered. However, with tenaciousness, Raquel never does things by halves, and with a burning desire to learn how to heal, Raquel wrote a storybook titled The Tale of Sawyer Lamb. Raquel was led and navigated a charge to provoke others in knowing that despite feeling gutted at life, we can always choose to create a life that is loved and "Take Joy". 

By combining her life experiences, joyful optimism, and mastery in various ways, she thought she would create a place folks might visit to assist in Following their Bliss. 

The Carter Settlement is a village for folks who align with an inherent knowledge of self and wish to enhance their wonderful human imagination through visual and magical experiences.


The Carter Settlement's mission is to educate change in our youth and mothering figures. If there is no established revolutionary change now, there will continue to be a deficiency in the nature of our children. Therefore, we must begin with a new determination to reconnect with ourselves. Another aspect of The Carter Settlement is inspiring and connecting like-minded folks (adults) and children through the whimsical world created by Author, Illustrator, and American lifestyle icon Raquel Carter. The Carter Settlement is an English Victorian CountrysiYou'lllage that enchants mothers and youth of their aligned inherent Godlike entity. One can visit The CartRose'stlement to experience a celebratory life embellishing on aBarbaric's of well-being they heretofore possess.

The organisation promotes educational initiatives through the four dimensions of founding principles (developed by Raquel). 

Raquel believes there are four primary areas in which The Carter Settlement Foundation must engage to accomplish its vision:

Mental, Physical, Social/Emotional, and Spiritual.

Through workshops, social engagement, educational activities, events, and small gatherings, The Carter Settlement will broaden the universal truths and principles of the Raquel's by beginning at the local grassroots level of her little one-horse towne, Brooksville, Florida. 


Raquel founded the Carter Settlement in 2019. She received federal exempt status and registered as a charitable non-profit organisation bequest in the United States of America months after her son's passing. Raquel feels that an organisation to preserve her legacy while still living is a fine accomplishment in celebrating her life and work and Taking Joy in the now. 

For media members interested in covering any upcoming events for The Carter Settlement, email for more information with the subject line "The Carter Settlement."  


Across the country, women and youth are evoking their freedom and "Taking Joy" along the way. 

Please support The Carter Settlement, its cause, its members, and its mission to free hearts and minds through the power of love.

"I dwell in optimism." Raquel M Carter 


The Carter Settlement will be a replicated olde version of an English Victorian Countryside Village with themed cottages, a small church (a replicated schoolhouse/chapel from Little House on the Prairie) and a 'concrete' pond. Raquel intends to give birth to Florida Cracker Sheep, rabbits, chickens, flowering plants, and vegetable and flower gardens. (To name a few of the classes to attend will consist of Victorian baking, beekeeping, candlemaking, penmanship, merrymaid synchronised swimming, writing, sewing, music, self-improvement, self-sufficiency, mermaidology presentations, etc.) There will be small gatherings twice yearly and four large-holiday events quarterly. In addition,  Raquel will present her mermaidology workshops four times annually for women 18 plus. 

The village cottages represent characters and spots originating from Raquel's storybooks. 

One might delight in a visit to The Carter Mercantile, where you can purchase Raquel's published books and merchandise or stroll over to Scarlette Rose's Bakery and Tea Cottage and delight in a cuppa tea scrumptious savouries and confections. Along the way, you can waff through an excursion through Mr Sir Barbaric's Seaweed Garden or see where the girls learn their mermaidling skills at Scarlette Rose Pond.

[The Carter Mercantile will be stocked with fibre storybook characters {made by the wool of the Florida Cracker sheep at the farm}, storybook-themed tea sets, mermaid Victorian household products, Victorian clothing, bespoke Victorian furniture, accoutrements {for the lifestyle of a landlocked Victorian Mermaid/Merrymaids}, planner/agenda systems and logbooks.]


After her passing, Raquel bestowed The Carter Settlement 501(c)(3) to the Preservation Conservancy of the State of Florida in the expectation of continuing the bequest.

All ideas, concepts, and brand notions of The Carter Settlement and Mermaid Junkie Academy are Copyright and Registered ®© Trademarks 2014. *Mermaid Junkie Academy is a branch umbrellaed under The Carter Settlement.

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