Showing posts with label The Art of a Victorian Mermaid Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Art of a Victorian Mermaid Love. Show all posts

Thursday, July 13, 2023

The Ebb And Flow

Good morning dear mermaid hearts, 

At the start, when I began contemplating how I should or may shift my online presence, I consulted with my dearly beloved husband. He is my closest confidant, and the second is my most cherished friend, P. It has been weighing upon my heart for some time now as I've been truly trying to find those kindred spirits to share with my online offerings. 

In 2006 when I began my online blog, there wasn't competition in my world. I merely wrote to jot down my feelings and diary my daily online giving. Upon tucking my wee cherubs into bed and saying their little prayers that fairy beasts wouldn't come for them from their balcony windows, I would type away, never knowing where or what I was attempting to accomplish. I enjoyed it greatly and deeply felt the desire to share, whether by words or a DIY project; now, looking back, my soul longed for womanly connections. I was somewhat motivated to write and create, yet a great deal of my motivation would ebb and flow like the ocean's tides. It would rise, and then a crashing wave of thunder would knock it back down. 

In the beginning, I was doing it for no other reason than for the love of it, and I enjoyed it whilst it lasted. Then in 2017, when everything came crashing, and through a series of unfortunate events, I lost eleven years of my online words, a swift desire to write online again deeply awakened within me. I knew I would have to utilise my wheelhouse and a great notion of tenacity by beginning all over again. 

My blog has remained, and I plan for it to sustain itself for as long as I can put words together and create art. When I filed for a divorce from my ex-ill-suited mate, my blog was there for me. It was my happy place. When my son died, my blog was there for me; again, it was my happy place. The slow recovery of healing from a most difficult experience brought me back into the land of the living. All that I care for has improved because I have an allegiance to my online presence; this blog. I believe deep within my heart many women also desire similar notions as myself, and this is why I have such a compassionate nature for this space. Though it is small, it is mighty. If you are curious about why I began asking those who enjoy my work to sign up for Patreon, it is for several reasons; one is that for a very long time, I had difficulty loving myself enough to feel I deserved to be rewarded (paid) for my craft. I often think many women also grapple with this notion; this matter at heart is why I feel a great deal of responsibility to inspire women to rise to the occasion of deeply recognising one's worthiness. To find wisdom and delight in writings and illustrations and so many helpful, moving and beautiful things is what brings us together in love and companionship. The notions and matters I care about, read and adore are at the heart of why I carry on with my little niche online. I want you to know how much your example of showing up to read my blog and sign up for my Patreon means the world to me. It is a sign that I mean something to you and you care about me because we have a tethering cord strung about from soul to soul, linking us as dear, intrinsically bound friends. I believe our only challenge as women is if we aren't willing with gentle, loving hearts to unite. Otherwise, nothing is keeping us from creating the most extraordinary fairytale world; fairytales give us our imaginary wings to believe anything is possible. We, as women, are the mothers; we are the rulers asunder the moon and the shining stars of a most wonderful poetic world. 

I understand the weighing and the negatives of the world, yet I am an eternal optimist, and I find when I share goodness, more goodness reigns upon me and (you), my darling friends here in this special little chipmunk's nest. 

As of late, I have felt called upon to discern how to make my online life and business feel more like sitting upon a rock next to the ledge of the ocean sending out my thoughtful ripples whilst also deeply feeling the connectedness of others. And although there will be constant waves, rushing rivers and brewing storms throughout our lives upon the billowy ocean of anxiousness, our underwater haven will be the place of calm, gentle ripples where life is slow, homey, happy, old-timey and simplistic. This kind of life is much needed.

My dear hearts, our lives take fastidious employment, for it will always require toiling away to shift our minds and focus from the algae smudges on the porthole looking out of windows from an outside world full of distraction. It requires conscious effort to swim furiously against the tides and currents that would lead us off course away from our imaginary world of Taking Joy and Following our Bliss, yet as long as we are in this together, no tide can separate us, for we have life rafts for all. Today this is my deepest and most sincere letter messaged in a bottle. 

I hope your day is beautiful and worthy of bringing a smile upon your face. You deserve it.

{P.S. I very much wish upon a star that you'll sign up for Patreon this month. I am not charging for the month of July, although I will be putting out a brilliant video titled; "How A Landlocked Victorian Mermaid Washes Her Garments." I include links to all of my favourite ancient ingredients, victorian labels you can print off for your very own antique bottles and jars, and ancient recipes for bits that are soiled and stained and demonstrate how I made my own dolly from scratch. All of this and much more.}

Most affably, yours til my next swim, Lady Raquel (Or if you're my friend, you can call me Razz)

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

The Lady Doth Protest Too Much (Cottage Core Instagram Influencers Are The Enemies Of The Jealous Until One Comprehends The Emotion, According To Me)

"Now some point a finger and let ignorance linger; if they'd look in the mirror, they'd find that ever since the beginning to keep the world spinning, It takes all kinds of kinds."

"These are the only genuine ideas, the ideas of the shipwrecked. All the rest is rhetoric, posturing, a farce." — Jose Ortega Gasset

My beloved friend and I were having a chinwag the other day about the ole' app Instagram. I began prattling on about how much I once had a vexing challenge with Instagram. Let me be frank. It was the bain of my landlocked existence. That is until I realised my (Mermaid Inner Being/Spirit) was attempting to teach me something about myself if I latched my gob for five seconds and listened.

Spirit/God/Consciousness has ways to help us through life if we fully stop attempting to do everything ourselves or quell long enough, taking flight from our problems each time we encounter a challenge. Our spirit is there to guide us; however, we humans have stubbornness like a two-year-old in the grocery line, refusing to pipe down our tantrums until we get our lolly. 

The beautiful advantage for me is that I write at nauseating degrees about mindset work, and writing about Instagram is no different. I spent nearly a decade working through what my emotions of jealousy over the notorious ladies on Instagram with a massive following were teaching me. In 2012-2015, I was ridiculously jealous of Guinivere Von Sneeden's attention. I knew there had to be some meaning to why jealousy was eating me alive. Do you recall I wrote this post? It is quite apparent I have grown, and today I can happily report having healed completely. In my heart, I knew I was just as talented as her (if not more), but she had the numbers, so why didn't I? I couldn't understand it, so In my vexing, I turned my frustration on its head and became determined to understand myself. Today I teach others, and It feels so wonderful. I am so happy you've swum along to visit me today, dear mermaid hearts. I've missed you.

What a full circle here, my friends. Guinivere's success is because she allows her desires to flow in and holds no resistance to her dreams. It was no reflection on me except that I was not allowing my desires to materialise, and she was. Rather than understanding how the mind works, I would externally blame whoever was 'getting' what they wanted and I wasn't. How dare they! Hey ho. She was following the flow and allowing all of her desires in. Well done, Jenny! The truth is when someone is successful in an area, and we also want that similar desire (such as a large following on Instagram, a home in the countryside, to be a New York Times Best Seller, etc.) It is merely our Inner Being signalling to us from our deeper selves about what we also really want. Everything that makes us jealous is a fragment of our truest potential, and rather than utilising those jealous feelings, we externalise them and blame that other person when It's truly the internal denial of our own Mermaid Inner Being.

Everything is going to be alright. Just keep calm and carry on Razz. Says the lass who, several years ago, was perfectly anxious whenever I would open Instagram on my phone. I also know that when I have a little skettle of fish, I am quite determined to risk a woman's happiness to extrapolate a method that will cure the madness. It is rather impossible to do otherwise when my conscious prompts me. The serum of truth is always best. Though it may initially hurt, it's much better than denial. Furthermore, physical ailments arise from holding in our emotions. 

I have written an excessive amount of evergreen posts about Instagram because even today, it's a subject no one seems to discuss how I think it should.

In addition, I also remind myself that because I am a cast member on the reality show Cottage to the Core (Hello Sunshine Productions), there should be a spokesperson on a platform that evokes and speaks openly about the issues women are facing in the cottage core community with specificity to Instagram. I elect myself. (Read that as If I have the voice of an undertaker. Teehee, I kid, I kid) You can rest assured of my continued attention on this matter. There are "cottage core women" whom I will not specifically name (because I have respect for them, although I am going to take them apart like clocks for a moment) who assert to be wise, lovely and all-encompassing wee delicate flowered examples of what living the dream life is with their little cottages on pieces of secluded sacred earth with gardens, glorified tablescapes, artistry, book reading, and all things that "happy" should be. They share the carefully orchestrated reels with their California fun filters and songs of Can I Have the Day with You.

Whereas that is ideal, the images and reels are majestic and evoke a feeling of fantasy; that is not real life, and I find it misleading to misrepresent. I know what you're going to say. You reflected those women because you were also that way yourself, Razz. I know you're right, but for the sake of this post, I am speaking of how I was then. Many women spend excessive time on Instagram when they should place that time into their true mothership, their blogs. I am aware the women on Instagram want to become influencers and be Instagram famous. Still, I also want to warn them that they seek fame because they are insufficient in their value of self and seek validation through feeling significant on Instagram. Our mental health crisis in society today is for this reason. It is not because we allow our children (daughters) to stay sat on social media constantly. I could cure the entire world in a split second. I say that with absolute conviction. How? I continue to teach women and mothers how to reprogram their minds with new beliefs that instil exorbitant amounts of self-belief, self-worth, and self-love. Which, in turn then, they will teach to their daughters. This is why I am so passionate about teaching women to have ridiculous amounts of self-confidence; for our children (daughters) do not have a cat-fighting chance in hell without claws otherwise.

My dear friends, Ladies, you do not own your content on these platforms. I am merely stating this because we should look at what we are devoting our time and attention to; if, god forbid, these sites went down, many would be stranded on a deserted island. I have seen dozens of women leave and abandon their blogs for Instagram fame, and it's quite disheartening. 

Another thing I notice is that so many women become vanilla and practically mechanical on their account feeds. If I've seen one cottage core account, I've seen one hundred, and I can't tell one from the other. They are now blending into each other. This notion occurs because so many women follow mindlessly after catching sight of those certain ladies on their explore page with loads of followers, and she jumps on the bandwagon and decides to clip, copy-paste, and the beat goes on. I've felt now for several years that my life purpose is not to extinguish their puffed-up fairy tale dreams (because it is beautiful to dream, in fact, it's quite necessary and our distinct nature) but to bring forth the matter that women must be accountable for their actions when perpetuating a narrative that is far from an inspirational encouragement when they post some of the content they are thrusting forth, for it is irresponsible. Especially when so many women unthinkingly believe hook, line, and sinker that these women are perfect and somehow their lives are the end all to beat all. They place them on a pedestal like a high priestess and then feel like rubbish because they compare themselves to these women with numbers and lifestyle. Compare, compare, compare. I hear all sorts of common tales of woe, and I try to teach the women who have reached out to me that to change a belief system, one must imprint new beliefs. We are very successful in working through the paradigm shifts when we are able to uncover the wounds being touched upon. My teachings are quite a success. I am currently planning loads of small gathering workshops at The Carter Settlement regarding precisely this manner of mindset work. I know it will change millions of women's lives. There's no other way to overcome those feelings of inadequacy than to imprint new beliefs whilst sleeping. I'm revealing the hack all spiritual gurus, multi-millionaires and successful people do to achieve their dreams. I will constantly lay out the secrets of the kingdom to encourage change. I've spent decades diving into my misgivings to uncover all I've learned and received as downloads from spirit. 

"Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are good, you'll have to ram them down people's throats." ~Howard Aiken

Therefore I've concluded those who want to change, learn and expand will find my writings and teachings and the rest; well, life goes on. Whilst those folks who heard and didn't listen will remain left unchanged. For the dear folks who haven't yet escaped the mindset of knowing intrinsically that numbers do not equal value or are willing to search their soul and desire to become better women, I will always keep the faith that one day they will want to change their lives. I want women to live their dreams and best lives. Let us not misappropriate our emotions toward other women, accept responsibility for our actions, and work to improve. We are in this together, ladies. 

You can be a massive influence in the world and yet be a wretched individual. Numbers, picturesque Instagram grids and popularity mean absolute nil. The meaningful women who follow these larger accounts begin coveting and yearning for that same life but feeling they won't ever have it because their self-worth has become severely punctured. I know this because I have had hundreds (yes, hundreds) of women message and email me this nearly verbatim, and they convey sadness and inadequacy. I was also this lass myself. I left Instagram, and many women still do to this day, and it's because they do not understand what is occurring. So rather than mulling over the emotions and trying to understand our Mermaid Inner Being, we run away and delete our accounts, put them on private, etc. I know because I did this myself. Overall, I had about eight different Instagram accounts. Many leave Instagram because they can't come to terms with it or do not understand what their Inner Being is trying to teach. I will always admonish you, dear hearts, to stay on the platform; fleeing never results in sustainable healing once and for all. Stay and dig deep to understand yourself and those feelings and emotions bubbling up to the surface. They are a 'good thing' (as Martha Stewart would say.) I know it's not the fault of the women behind the large accounts in totality; however, they do tend to push the portrayal of perfection trapped in a moment, and I want to draw them back into the great waters of the living.

Rather than passing on the temptations to post on Instagram, may they override into the quiet calm within where the day sleeps, and may their hearts go to an internal validation growing strong at the alter of their heart. 

Women in our climate need confident women to uplift and direct them towards self-encouragement and a healthy mindset. A positive, optimistic perspective is a beautiful way to live out one's dreams; yes, I live this kind of fairytale life today, but I arrived here from deep internal work I've done for myself. And you can too. It doesn't come easily; everyone would do it if it did. One must want to change, and the fire within must burn fiercely. I see what these women with larger accounts are doing to the detriment of many women who follow them. Many years ago, before I changed my subconscious beliefs by imprinting new ones, I once knew many of these women personally. I say I once knew because our spirits no longer resonate, yet I still hope they read my posts because whereas I was angry, I am no longer, and my goal is to help women. I adore all women and truly find extreme joy in teaching my comrades. I am interested in spiritual expansion and becoming the greatest version of myself, and I want that for all ladies. I know digging and unearthing the truthfulness of who we are is not a walk in the park. Yet, as a beautiful society of women, we will never unite deeply with the connection of friendship if we continually keep performing the same as we always have or living in the assumptions of what we think jealousy is when it's merely a symptom. All things are symptoms of a deeper issue. 

"Insanity is doing the same thing expecting a different result." -Albert Einstein

These ladies (as lovely in many areas as they are/were) have no interest in sprouting into the greatness they inherently are; they boldly stay upon their high horse and remain veneer, never revealing the truthfulness of who they are by being transparent. I am constantly amazed (and not in a good way either) at how little so many folks do not require or yearn for thought-provoking valuable posts. I have no issues with posting images of pretty perfection; however, I find the attention grabs at nauseating levels quite distasteful, especially when there is not an ounce of value to them.

The people who assume I'm behaving overly dramatically are the precise ones who refuse to see what transpires. I'm not speaking to them. I want to talk to the ones who have a passion for living a highly elevated life—one where we, as women, want to understand how to become the best and influence change for humanity as a whole. 

Why am I the only person who ever seems to write about this type of issue occurring on Instagram? Life will throw every person a difficult blow at some time or another. I promise you that an Instagram outing to High-Clere Castle with your besties is not going to comfort you on a wretched night when you've got the news your mum or child has been diagnosed with terminal cancer, you get the call your son is dead, or your husband has lost his job and can no longer work in the capacity he once did. When we as individual women continue looking in the opposite direction and refusing to accept our responsible role as leaders in our field and repeatedly run from our issues, run away from Instagram, delete accounts, and put them on private rather than tell our friends (followers) we're in the middle of a life crack, thinking that's going to solve our issues we will remain in the state of stagnation. We will keep reliving the same ole' thing day in and day out like a hamster on the wheel. I'd rather chew my arm off than live like that. 

Running away or putting on some fake notion that all is right at every moment of the day is purely bogus. The women who are truthful with themselves and the women I spend time with can spot this nonsense on stilts a country mile, but the ones who can't, it is my responsibility to hold them accountable. If my only way is by writing here on my blog and in my books, I am pleased as punch to do it. It is their responsibility to use their platform to do good in our world, most especially for women and our daughters. 

This post is a call to the ones who read this, you know who you are, and you must understand that if you aren't willing to be truthful with yourself and be an example (a real example, not the Instagram polished toxic positivity version), you cannot be honest with others. 

Before closing this post, I'm going to caveat for a moment. I am by no means saying you shouldn't try and be positive; I am more than happy to at nausea announce I am the first person to tout Take Joy and optimism, but not at the expense of never allowing the world (my friends) to know who I truly am. There is the element of vulnerability and self-trust that must be present in a woman that is essential in being a person one can admire and, at best, listen to. The world and the cottage core community on Instagram need more women willing to be open and share their real life. Look at anyone with a terrific pull in our world, such as Taylor Swift. I'm not necessarily a swifty, but I respect her for her massive fan base because she learned how to capitalise on her brand. She is incredibly innovative, and she knew how to move people to love her, and their commitment to remain devoted to her even decades later is astounding. She doesn't have to do much promotion, if any; why, because her fans promote and advertise for her.

The secret is she gets personal and lets these women into her life. She allows herself to be vulnerable and show her real life, which creates a deep connection with those who love her. She will have an album review party and invite fans into her home, or if someone tweets her, she will arrive at their wedding and sing. In her songs, she writes with a proper amount of openness. She's a mastermind in this area. She knew what leads to dedicated fans way before anyone else. This conception is why she is so beloved, and folks wonder why; it is that she knows how to touch the hearts of women. If we touch their hearts and move them to change to be the greatest version of themselves, they will also want that for us. That is how universal law works; two-fold, good karma, if you will. 

One might have the numbers, but if women look at their numbers as equal to loyalty, they will eventually be disappointed. I hope these women will begin recognising that a tick on a reel or a like on a photo does not equate to the real depth and connection with the ladies who follow them. Suppose we do not put ourselves out there in camaraderie. Women must feel an emotional connection and bond with one another; otherwise, it's all smoke and mirrors. 

I suppose having written this entire 3,320-word post has done good, for it's solidified for me that I will carry the torch myself because, as I've always taught here, we cannot make someone change, therefore what I can do is be the woman I wish to see on my Instagram feed and the world. My employment and yours, my dear hearts, is to be responsible for one's emotions and recognise that our Inner Being is leading us to an ocean of understanding ourselves if we choose to listen. Are you a willing participant? My dear mermaid hearts, if we abandon our schemes of jealousy, I conscientiously believe we will expand by leaps and bounds, and all of our dreams will come to us easily and effortlessly.

I love you beyond measure. Toodle-Pip darlings!

Most affably, yours til my next swim, Lady Rxxx (or you can call me Razz for short.) 

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Whither And How (All That I Go To Find Is My Lost Self)

In rare form and on occasion, I will receive a rather harsh message on our jovial outlets (social media). One such occasion occurred a few days heretofore on Instagram, where I received the most odious and presumptuous unkind judgement about my accent, my beloved husband and my lifestyle. At the risk of my happiness and unquestionable rejection, I read the news with a resolve to soothe myself as I being who I am; quite the optimist and took no offence to the laid remarks.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

A Cupid's Tea (Victorian Mermaid Paper Dolls And St. Valentine's Day Cards)

Hello darling merfriends,

The weekend before St. Valentine's Day is called Cupid's Tea. It's the day the Victorians set aside to make handcrafted cards.
Oh, the joys of Love's own day. As delightful as St. Valentine's Day is, the cleverest store-bought cards can not match the splendour of a handcrafted paper confection. In a bid to preserve this dying custom, Mrs Carter of Stillwater is here to model the tune of that Victorian and assist in creating a happy home circle memory. Let us fashion some homemade cards from paper, glue and loads of imagination. Mrs Carter has decidedly gone off-piste and plans to make a mermaid victorian paper doll as well as happy-hearted cards. 

First, let us assemble the materials. Quality paper -lace doilies are a must heart-shaped round and square in white, ivory, red, pink and gilt.

Mrs Carter has also provided you dear hearts with late nineteenth-century illustrations so popular on victorian Valentine's. For victorian verses, poetry books are an incredible inspiration. So, once you've completed your Valentine's, making them lavish and sentimental as you might possibly imagine, it's time to post them.

Once they have been sent off with the raven carriers at long last, It's time for a delicious and rewarding late afternoon tea party. 

Mrs Carter has worked as cupid's assistant, and she's prepared tasty heart-shaped biscuits, homemade clotted cream (both biscuit and cream are Queen Elizabeth's II receipt) and homemade strawberry preserves from her potager garden. 

(The episodes for making the cards, paper dolls, biscuits, preserving strawberries with wax seals, and the making of clotted cream are exclusives on Mrs Carter's Patreon subscription, The Curious Mind of Raquel Carter, published Monday, February 14th, 2022.)

Most affably yours til my next swim, Raquelxxx    

Friday, November 20, 2020

Why Folks Have Lost The Plot

I read an article recently where a political figure was having a go at mainstream media and reporting with intense outrage about Harry Styles wearing a dress on the latest issue of Vogue magazine.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Art Of Connectivity And What Instagram Taught Me About My Vibration

As I lay in my sleeping room bed, all nestled in, something inside of me had shifted. I looked over at my beloved husband with salted tears, and said, "I've such a longing for connectivity with so many people, Jeffrey. I have a forlorn longing within my soul. I think I'm ready to forgive women as a whole, and men too. My heart is ready to soar sky-high." He kissed my forehead and said, "he loved me and that everyone that truly knows me can't help but love me." I thought that was so kind. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Let Your Cork Float {My Mermaid Testament At Weeki Wachee Springs}

As I checked the tattered wooden clipboard and wrote down my name, I then slowly scanned the swim dock, more than 60 (mostly young) girls stood to wait with excitement. We were all trying out to be a Weeki Wachee Springs mermaid. This tryout would be my second time around, except this time I was 44 and not the young spritely 17 years old like I was over three decades prior.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

An Open Letter To The CopyCats And Friend Poachers

[I wrote this post most notably for a friend that reads my blog. It's been sitting in my drafts file for about four months, but I had someone reach out to me through email just last evening, and I decided to finish up and publish it. So I will attempt to blend it, however, invariably I wrote half the day it happened to me and the other half this morning.]

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The Art Of Slow Living, A Ms Tittlemouse Rat Race, And Sawyers Birthday Celebration

[This was written on June 5, {where it was left in my draft file} Regardless, though, I felt inspired to post it. I hope you glean something from it.]

I've been spending my time in the slow living accomplishments of simplicity, which isn't unlike how I spend most all of my days.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The Victorian Prairie Bonnet And The Value Of Rest

I'm still convalescing. {Hey, even if I weren't on the mend I still spend a copious amount of time in bed.} I love my sleeping room, and I make no apologies for it. Do you like to sleep or lay in bed, to rest and relax? You can ask my mum I've loved sleep since birth. {And yes, if you're curious as to why I write like I'm British it's because I've spent these last two months immersed in my pronunciation course. And my teacher admonishes me to consistently write and speak British English which will create an exceptional accent.}

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Rachel Hollis- Girl, You Should Apologize

[The day this news broke, I shared my heated feelings about it on my podcast. If you'd like to listen to that instead, here's the link. It's full of profanity, so consider yourself warned if you have a visceral reaction to cursing. Writing is more suited for me, so I wanted to share my thoughts about this in written form, and now that I've cooled down a bit, I was able to piece my words together like a normal human being. Smile.]

"The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it." 

I knew it. I saw this divorce coming several years ago. The New York Times best-selling author and Disney dad that everyone thought had the best marriage {except for me, apparently,} are, yes indeed, you guessed it, divorcing. All one would have to do is pay close attention to the added and amped up hugging, kissing photos, sweet talk, curated marital banter and fake pictures for social media to see this trainwreck coming head-on. Why do I know this so well, you ask? Because I also lived this type of marriage with my ex-ill suited mate. He was notorious for this type of behaviour. These folks care more about what the world thinks and sees than what is truth staring down the barrel. It's artificial. And whereas I don't have anger towards my ex-ill suited mate or Rachel Hollis at this juncture, I feel it's necessary to be blatantly open and transparent with my friends {aka readers}. It's also a way of being truthful with myself, which is essential to my well being and expansion. Rachel Hollis and a person such as my ex-ill suited mate, aren't going to give you the truth.  They are going to give you what they want you to see. I'm honest with folks, and even if that makes someone uncomfortable, I'm still going, to be honest. I'm not here to sugar coat a narrative for anyone. The emotional cost is too high, and I am surely not in the business of allowing myself to be silenced all for the sake of "thinking about others feelings." I have learned early on that mentality unequivocally does not work for me at all.

We can always look back and reflect on why some things trigger us and others do not. A lack of transparency from others has been in my craw for some time, and I'm sure it's still the residuals of my previous marriage. I'm moving past it, but I wanted to point out some variables to grow from this experience. You know me all too well, and one thing I'm always doing is leaning in on what everything in life is here to do, which is to teach us and help us grow, even when It's me being pissed about a random writer in Texas. 

I know some folks love Rachel Hollis; however, I do not. I am sure she's a delight; however, from my personal experience of chatting with her on numerous occasions, she came off a bit snobby and acted as if I was beneath her. That turned me a bit, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt. My mum taught me manners. Many of the women who follow Rachel noticeably  {in my opinion} have low self-worth. What's in my craw is that Rachel preys on weak-minded women from backgrounds where It's not socially moral to be a confident woman. Rachel's demographic is similar to her fathers' Pentecostal congregation, which is fueled by feelings of superiority and that notion of " lean on me, as I'm a much better and smarter person than you. And you need me {and my books and seminars} to get to where it is that you're going mentality.” Here's what happens internally to these so-called fans. Women put too much importance on folks like Rachel Hollis by placing them on a pedestal which is further detrimental to their self-worth. Women do not need a woman like Rachel Hollis to achieve what they desire. They need to turn that love onto themselves and believe that they also have the same level of importance. If Rachel was confident herself and really intended to encourage women of their own self-importance and personal power, she would lift these women to all greater heights. It's the case of I'll lift you until I see you growing, but you can't grow more than me. The next time you notice this in another, take it as a warning. We all are a product of higher consciousness {God/Source} just like every human being in the world. No one stands superior to us.  Her books are specifically placed in the Christianity section of all bookstores. This is because most folks who act like they have all the self-worth and confidence in the world most often do not, and they can fool women of faith with that narrative. People with the lowest self-esteem have this pretend confidence and amplify it by appearing better than others and stand on moral high ground. Where most folks "get on" by thinking or acting as If they are better and have all of life figured out are actually the ones that have the least figured out. You know the old adage, " Those who scream the loudest have the most to hide." If two things get my goat, it is hypocrisy and inauthenticity. Rachel Hollis is these two things in a nutshell. Honestly, and how great of a writer is she if she spent an entire chapter {in an attempt to be relatable, in which she has now forfeitted} on how she passes gas and has bowel movements. {Someone posted that book excerpt on youtube.}That is not good writing. It's daft. 

We are never going to get all of life done and complete. This is not what Pentecostal preachers (Rachel's father) teach us.  They pretend they have all of life figured out, and now we common folk should come along for the ride. If we can see life like that, as never-ending and it's all a process that continually unfolds, we will be much happier people. We don't have to have everything figured out, and that's the sheer beauty of it all. We didn't come to get it done, but the world would have us think otherwise. Let us begin today by taking everyone off of the pedestal and begin looking inward. I suggest you place yourself on the pedestal.  

Whereas Rachel is liked and admired by many, she is like everyone else; and no respecter of persons.  It's time women start believing in their own power and abilities and stop thinking other women like Rachel Hollis are better, more knowledgeable and superior than them. This world is full of powerful women. I am going to spend my life in this service. I will inspire millions to know this for themselves too. We are all Mermaid Goddesses. 

I've got to be honest here. As I write this and edit, I've lost nearly all of my steam for this post. So I'll end it here with the most significant takeaway that I learned from this news. Which is that I now know I am going to write much better and more prolific books than Rachel Hollis. My books are authentic and transparent. I'm not going to placate an audience for the sheer desire of selling books. My books are honest and, most importantly, laced with self-confidence,  empowerment and practical tools for achieving all of life's desires. My books are joyful and optimistic. They are not downtrodden, off-putting, nor sewn with self-importance and inferiority. We must be reminded of our very own power. To lean on ourselves and our own Mermaid Inner Being and leave the rest. It also showed me where I stand vibrationally with my "so-called report card." I have grown massively from where I stood emotionally just a short time ago. Comparatively, I am growing by leaps and bounds, and truthfully that's what this whole earth life experience is for me, to expand. Trust yourself and make being happy your only intention. 

I would have really appreciated it if Rachel Hollis were to have simply stated her truth and took accountability. I think that's all folks have ever wanted.  Still, she didn't take that road. If she continues living in a cloud of mist, she will surely self sabotage her entire career full stop.   

Most affably yours til my next swim, Raquelxxx

Monday, May 11, 2020

Remaining Steadfast Regardless Of Ridicule

Have you read this post yet? If not, read it first. Then come back to this one. It'll make better sense. Trust me.
Go ahead. I'll wait.

Okay, now I can get on.

Last night Jeffrey arrived home, and I was in the thick of my British English classes. He said rather smug," Oh golly, I didn't think you were so serious about learning British. What if you begin speaking so well and never talk like an American again?" In which I replied," Oh, that's most assuredly my expectation, angel! And gleefully excited with my best British accent, I replied:" Are you having a go at me, darling?"

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Why Women Compete With Each Other {And It's Not What You Think}

Why Women Are ’Caught Up’ In Competing With One Another

It was brought to my attention the other day when a well-meaning reader of my blog shared information with me about another blogger. She told me to check out the blogger's site to see if she was on target with what she was seeing; it looked very similar to the things I am presently doing in my business and life. (Might I augment, it's invariably some unsuspecting person that informs me of such things and not by seeking them out myself.) Even although I had no indication what she was talking about, curiosity got the better of me, so I slivered over to catch a peek.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Truth Behind Why Johnny Depp Joined Instagram {According To Me}

If you've read this blog at any length, I needn't notify you of my one-sided connection with Johnny Depp. {Now, hold up. That sounds like Stalkerville, and that's not what I meant. Let me back up and begin again. I have always felt kindred emotions towards him. I'm quite sure It does not run both ways. The closest I ever was to Johnny was when he was on a Pirates of the Caribbean junket, and my ex-mate asked him to say “Hello Raquel” to me, which he did against his management requirements for press. I wish I knew what happened to that DVD. It's most likely in a landfill somewhere. I finally figured out one reason (I'm sure there are many) why I'm so captivated by him. My mama and I were prattling about it yesterday, and I think It's because “he reminds me of me”, {Doc Holiday in Tombstone describing Johnny Ringo} as well as my son Sawyer.
A spirited being, often misunderstood, loves music more than anything, eccentric, has a rebellious free will, for the most part, doesn't care what others think of him and has a neverending need to try and fix/rescue others/women. {Those are not all of the reasons, nonetheless I am attempting to keep this post under 2000 words. Err...}

Remember how many times I've said that I would always attract men that needed rescuing? I unconsciously did that many times because I longed to be saved. It's called mirroring, and every single person in the world does it.

I've heard all about the celebrities that have for many years ignored social media and have foregone joining. I suppose It's their attempt not to jump on the bandwagon of following the herd, so to speak. There's not many of them left that aren't on social media; I think for the most part a lot of them 'caved' under pressure, or maybe it was they felt FOMO {fear of missing out.} 

When I discovered last week that Johnny had joined Instagram, at long last, I was thinking back in February when I did another post about him, of how much I wish he were on some kind of social media. He's very ungetatable {yeah, that's a word, I just made it up}, but then again that is why I also like him, he's even more mysterious when he not attainable. Ya know? I like a mysterious lad. Now, all of this sounds very lust ridden with desires ripped from the pages of a romantic novel, but no, it's actually just a gal that likes a guy in the most brotherly sisterly kind of way. That's it folks—nothing to see here. Keep it movin’...

But back to the reason, in my opinion, that Johnny got an Instagram account. Besides, yes, there is a pandemic happening and where I think that may have something to do with it, I think It's a tiny thing to do with it. My suspicions tell me that he's been advised by someone on his team to get out ahead of the drama and his lawsuit against Amber Heard. While she's been out slandering and having a go at him every time we turn around, Johnny always stayed quiet. Until now. Because, well... he's a gentleman, but when dealing with a beast such as the one he's dealing with, this is a whole other animal, {and by animal I mean, we're not speaking of the sweet, docile elephants that Johnny so acutely loves}. He knows the lengths she will go to in an attempt to destroy him personally and professionally. He can no longer stay behind the scarlet velvet roped curtain and turn a blind eye because we all know how she's got a poker face. I have nothing against Amber; however, I have seen women like this many times. All signs point to her using Johnny for a come up. Like I always say, and something my momma taught me since childhood, " The cream always rises to the top, just give it a minute." 

I have a sneaking suspicion though that very soon we'll be saying, ”Here’s Johnny” and the colonel will come out of this clenching a ”Texas Holdem” flush! 

Attaboy, Johnny! 

Do you think Johnny joined Instagram because of the coronavirus like many are saying or for other reasons? I'm curious. 

Most affably yours til my next swim, Raquelxxx

Friday, April 24, 2020

Why I’m Learning To Speak With A British English Accent

Wanna hear something funny?

When I told Jeffrey I was learning to speak with a British English accent and that I was taking classes. His response was:

”Baby, aren’t you afraid that people are going to think you’re a bit bonkers, like when Britney Spears shaved her head and began using a British English accent?”

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