Showing posts with label secret law of attraction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label secret law of attraction. Show all posts

Saturday, April 11, 2020

A Cozy Victorian Easter At The Cottage And A Story About Getting Desires

Are you having fun planning your Easter festivities?

Am I not an empty-nesting momma in need of diversion? Oh, indeed! What better way to divert than to plan my pleasurable celebrations just as in years past while my darlings we're ever-present.

Friday, March 20, 2020

The Art Of A Focused Mindset {And How To Optimistically Swim Through The COVID-19}

[Disclaimer: I am going to continually use the means I possess for creating this blog with as much optimism as possible. You'll either vibe with me or swim off- because, well, those that are drowning in their sorrowful misery won't be able to hear a word I'm writing regardless. I'm writing this blog to stand in my truth that optimism is the way to live, irrespective of what others think. If you agree, let's have a go, shall we?]

This explanation of optimism will not apply to someone that has no understanding of universal laws. {That isn't meant to sound condescending, as if I'm somehow more intellectual than the average bear, but someone will invariably read it that way, and if it's you, my apologies in advance. Smile.}

It will surely hit some folks the wrong way: well, because like I stated here.

You know the old saying, ’you can't win for losing.’ Yeah, that. Because let's be truthful here, we are all different. We come from all sorts of situations and life experiences. So no one is going to understand you in the way you desire to be understood. It's not their job. The world is not here to feather our nest. The sooner one learns this, the better off they'll be. The problem is established when the world is on the brink of a breakdown. Do we think Sally from Louisville, Kentucky that writes a blog about positivity is going to change someone for the better that is down in the mouth about life and the COVID19? No. We all must listen to our inner being, and until that happens, we can read all the online magazines, or search Facebook groups till the everliving cows come home, and we aren't going to find solace. Solace comes from alignment. No. Where. Else. Alignment with our inner being. I could end this post now. However, you know me, and I'm going to try and drive this home until you're near the brink of disgust. Cause, ya know, that's my way.

Many folks that are fearful or upset about all that's happening is the most accurate external sign that they have habitually reached outward for the world or someone outside of themselves to solve their problems. If they could just talk to the right person, take the right medicine, read the right online blog post, find the perfect Facebook group, and have an excuse for why they are feeling the way they are they'll feel some sense of resolve. Yes, sometimes amid contrast Source will throw something our way, intending to wedge its way through the cracks and slide in a piece that WILL help ’said’ person to feel resolve. Our inner being has a way of working that out for us like that. Yay! For our inner beings! And yay because even when one might have thought I was going to advocate not reading that blog post that was negative. I am not. Why? Because Source is always leading and guiding us, no matter how much we may be pinched off in those areas of our lives that are resisting and pushing against self. That's all it is truthfully, is resistance conditioning of years and years of build-up and lack of belief in ourselves.
The reason I choose to live in the positive is that it's like this:

Pretend you're at a restaurant buffet bar. {And this is quite fitting because pretending is what we have to do right now.}

Now, where was I? 

Oh, yeah. 

There are all sorts of delicious foods to choose from, but you also see THE ONE food that you despise. Would you want to eat the good foods or select the one lousy food you hate and gobble it up? Of course, you’d choose the good one.

So why would you keep talking and talking about what you don't like about the COVID 19 and how it's causing you to feel? Habit, that's why. Practice and momentum of training the mind to see the bad instead of the good.

Don't worry; it'll get worse. Just keep talking about it. The universe is noninclusive; meaning you always get what you think about. Keep arguing for your limitations, and you’ll get them tenfold. The thoughts you think about, multiply. I'll see you on the positive side after all this dies down. I have no desire to discredit anyone when they are feeling like rubbage. I do, however, know that universal laws create momentum. Which means that if you start seeking out individuals to ’woe is me’ all over the place that momentum picks up and soon you'll find yourself in the pits of despair. Because the universe brings what your vibrating right to you. Haven't you ever noticed that when you feel like a heap of negativity that you find all those same types of folks? They start to collectively congregate in the same place. If you'd like to know where you're vibrating, take a look around and see what's manifesting in your surroundings. Is it negative? Are the folks around you negative? Then that means sweet Sally, ”YOU ARE NEGATIVE!”

I know it's distasteful yo hear, but it's the truth. No one wants to dwell in that kind of mind junk for days and nights on end. It makes a person feel awful. So why ask or question my motives for positivity? I want to spend my life feeling good, that's why.

If you're any sort of a book worm, such as myself (and even if you haven't been, you might start, beings that some folks are now quarantined), you've read at least a motivation quote or two from some spiritual guru somewhere, ”The power of mindset.”

This is a true statement, if you don't believe me, all you have to do is take a look around {I know, I know. I'm asking you to look around quite a bit here. Errr...} and see how many folks are panicking, with their anxiety issues shooting through the surface of the sun. In the moment of grave crisis that occurs in the world on this scale, no longer for the selected few, It has a way of shaking some new thought paradigms into a person.

There will always be people thriving and not thriving in times of contrast. Do you know why? It has nothing to do with outside circumstances, regardless of what those are. It has to do with a MINDSET! It's not any more complicated than that. It's all a personal mindset of how one chooses to focus their thoughts.
Here's an example. Think of the most famous person that had a positive mindset, Martha Stewart, for instance. Do you think she came out of prison after all she experienced; a more powerful creator? Yes, she did. She had a mindset behind that beautiful brain of hers. She lived in an optimistic attitude. She used the time in prison to teach. That's what all good teachers do, are they teach.

However, you can’t teach what you don’t know. And the only way to KNOW is to live it. To actually LIVE the experience. I’ve said it a million times in my blog posts. Experience teaches words do not. What does the world need right now? To be taught, through experience. All will come out the other end, hopefully with a better sense of life and a deeper knowledge of themselves.

A large portion of my learning came from leaving a marriage of 24 years, and my son's murder. My son's death has prepared me and continues to teach me every day. It also reminds me that tomorrow is not promised. At the end of the day, we all are here for a short amount of time, and we might do well to realise this notion. Furthermore, something like this will also teach folks most profoundly. In a way, that nothing else has been able to teach them.

I highly promote living the best life possible. That is what I’ve been doing these last five years (after discovering the law of attraction), and I plan to keep on doing it. Because whereas many folks are down in the mouth, I see the positive. I am not going to look at the negative. We can choose to see a situation wholly awful or want to see the possibilities. And like Emily Dickenson said many moons ago, “I dwell in possibility.”

I will come out thriving in this situation. You know why? Because I went into it with that mindset. If you or someone you know wants the answers to all of this, it’s to CHANGE THE MINDSET.

How do you change a mindset, you might ask? You begin with each experience by training your mind to think on every single thing; positively. At first, it’s not easy, but your mind is a muscle, and it can be trained like anything else. It gains strength. When a negative situation (contrast) arises, flip the scenario. Now find the positive and milk it to death. And before you know it, you’ll be on the path to positivity. I promise you.

You must also remember you’re a mighty creator. You have extraordinary power. You just have to believe it. Like when you were a small child, you would so easily believe things. Be like that. Believe my friend and the world will once again become your oyster.

No grit. No pearl.

Most affably yours til my next swim, Raquelxxx

Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Art Of Feeling Certainty In An Uncertain World {During The Outbreak Of Coronavirus}

Last night I went to collect some bakery buns for supper. While I was placing my items on the conveyer belt, the woman behind me went to grab the stick to divide our groceries. As soon as I went to reach for it too, {I was trying to help}, she pulled away promptly while wearing her white latex medical gloves.

I wasn't phased by her actions at all, but it surely enticed me to examine what this virus is doing to stir up many people in the world. I also received word this morning that my inlaws cancelled their trip to England. They had been planning their trip for two years. They are very downtrodden about it. This is another reason that I encourage others to live their best life. To stop waiting for {within reason I know some things have planning requirements} for the world to adjust. Stop waiting to write that book someday, move to that country, live that dream. No one is promised tomorrow. I can say this with great clarification. My son's murder had a way of putting everything into perspective. And whereas I know you can't relate to me in that particular scenario, I know with this outbreak, it most clearly has a way of placing the importance of {your life and the lives of your family} into perspective, and quick like.
I know this epidemic is going to be the best thing to happen for many folks. It is most undoubtedly going to inspire some folks to get out ahead of this and to initiate self~reliance. Most people are very reliant {too reliant, in my opinion} on others and use other people to feel consolation and to seek relief of pain and insecurities {whether that's physical or mental anguish.} This virus is calling many souls forward, whereas some life experiences have to be experienced to set things aright. What I mean here is this. Many folks are going through this world {before this virus} without the recognition of how scared, cynical, sceptical or insecure they indeed are daily. An epidemic surely has a way of displaying such distress in oneself, does it not? I surely see it. Just look around. The folks that are out of their minds with fear, most likely deal with anxiety much of their lives when life is so to speak "normal." This pandemic has a way of revealing hidden emotions and fears.

I'm hopeful this will encourage folks to rely on their very own inner being. {I'm an optimistic kind of gal.} When there's no doctor, or therapist to talk someone out of their feelings or calm their nerves, often it's the best remedy for folks, therefore, to begin consoling their own lives. We must learn as individuals to take care of our own souls and our own minds, especially our thoughts. Our thoughts create our reality. We must look inward and console our own heart.
The only reason that any human ever does anything is knowing that whence they do it, they will 'feel better'.

Think about how children are right now in this world. For the most part, children aren't phased by this coronavirus. They aren't aware, because they aren't focused on it. Parents would fair rather well in learning from our little children. They are doing what adults should be doing. If parents continue to embark on becoming downright fear mongers, their children start to pick up on that vibration of the parent. They then take on those same emotions and feelings as their parents. Like attracts like. Remember, all things are vibrational. Anxiety and fear are the manifested emotions of being disconnected with self.
Most landlocked folks that are petrified might be significantly turned off by my approach in this post. When we as humans can learn/remember our own power, and the powerful creators that we are, fear will not consume us. And I get it, some will read this and be absolutely disturbed by what I'm saying. I know this is the exact thing that I expect from certain people that are pinched off from their inner being. I'll tell you why. When you {I'm} saying something to someone {like I'm doing here} and I'm speaking a profound spiritual truth, and it fails to resonate with someone, it's assuredly because they {the reader} doesn't want to hear what I'm saying. You know that ol' saying, ” the truth hurts.” When a person pushes so hard against their own inner being, by not listening to their gut; that profound truth is inside of them regardless. When we don't face the truth, our inner being is still leading us towards our innate nature. That doesn't feel good {emotion/feeling wise} when one is reading something such as this post. It's quite souring.
Just the opposite. If another reading this, trusts that all is well in the world {despite what it looks like presently} and trusts that when everything is said and done, will also be comforted in knowing that all things happen for a reason, they won't be remotely offended by this post. In fact, those aligned and trusting will undoubtedly feel real hope and solace reading my post. I’m not going to blow smoke up folks asses just to get someone to feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I think it’s most assuredly an excellent notion to be positive. I live each day with the attempts to align my soul and spiritual nature with feelings of joy and good thoughts. However, I am also immovable and firm in my truth. I am a great advocate for finding joy in life, no matter the circumstances that are at the helm of our lives in any given moment, we can choose to see the joy or choose to see the sadness. It's rightfully for everyone's choice. I choose joy! These are the moments {in a crisis like this} that define us and build our individual character. What is light if there was not dark? What is happiness is we knew not of sadness? What is courage if we knew not to fear? What is a certainty if we knew no certainty?
My parting advice for you during this time is to go inside of yourself and take the time {if you’re hunkered down which many are} and evaluate what you have been doing with your life. How do you want to be a different person? After all of this has died {maybe, another word would have been suitable, Errr...} down, and things are back to normal? What would you like to change about your life? Now go and do that! I have faith in you. I know you will be fine. All is well, my friends. I am coming from a place of unyielding, but a very loving place too. I wish you a wealth of wellbeing and happiness.

Most affably yours til my next swim, Raquelxxx

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Jealousy~ Understanding Jealousy {According To Abraham Hicks}

My dear friends and Mermaid Junkies,

Are you part human, part Mermaid? Well, if you are, you have had feelings of jealousy. Have you ever been curious as to what these emotions are, why we have them, and how to cure them? Yeah, same.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Are You Constantly Dependent And Sucker Fish Stuck With Detached Mates {I'll Shed Some Scales On Why This Happens}

My dear friends, and Mermaid Junkies, 

I am so happy you're here. I have the most fun thinking about all of the loveliest topics to cover on this here ol' blog.

I have to tell you, there is nothing more exciting than thinking about what to write, and how to try and inspire you, my darling pod. That would be you dear ones! Have I told you that my first love is writing? I'm sure that I have, I tend to state that on repeat to anyone with a listening ear. {smile} I am so appreciative for my most beautiful dreams coming true. But that's not why I'm writing to you today.

Friday, February 7, 2020

I Found My Treasure At The Bottom Of The Ocean Through Contrast

My dear friends and mermaid junkies, 

Pour some tea, and let's chat about some things. Do you remember me telling you last week that I would share with you a situation that I had after I had time to process? Yeah, okay, well forgive me in advance, as I made it sound like, well, it was a situation of paramount extremity. I made it sound like more than it was.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Why Having A Mouth Like A Sailor Doesn't Make You A Bad Person {And What Profanity Really Means According To Me}

My dear friends, 

I must confess something. I have a mouth like a sailor! For many of you that read my blog, and have also watched my youtube videos, you already know this.

My momma, a dear friend and me were chatting about this just yesterday. My friend said that she appreciated me because I'm authentic. Now, some folks have a problem with me when I use profanity. It's, for the most part, considered a terrible thing. Especially since I am a very spiritual person. That didn't always transition over well when I was considered a 'Christian.' I think many women struggle with what other folks think of them if they happen to be a very spiritual or religious person, and they still throw out a few curse words here and there. Like, somehow, if you use a dirty word, you are not a wholesome woman. I absolutely disagree. 

If the truth is known, I think most folks that were raised in a Christian/religious environment were taught not to use profanity. So, since I have had an issue with others judging me in the past, I thought I'd dive into what it really means when someone uses cursing in their vocabulary. 

I haven't always used profanity, but now that I do, that doesn't make me a 'bad' person. I had someone say to me a few years ago that because I have a non-profit organisation for young girls, that I should probably not curse and that's not setting a good example. Well, you can imagine what I said to them. Errr... I am a beautiful, spiritual woman, and I also happen to use profanity at times. That statement, as you can imagine, came from women that are Christian ladies. I remind folks that I know I'm the founder of a non-profit; however, I also was raised with class and dignity. That means that I have etiquette and manners; I'm a southern woman, after all.


I'm no longer into the idea that for someone to remain comfortable, I must change and alter myself to make another person feel good. The situation with most people is that they swim around this earth wanting other folks to change to accommodate and ease their feelings of comfort or discomfort; to turn a condition outside of themselves. That's what is really funny to me when in the same breath they say I'm selfish if I don't change. Isn't that what selfishness is? They are the ones being selfish because they want me to change for them. I've always found that hilarious, and rightly so becasue most folks don't even comprehend what I just stated.

I use to hide who I really was as a person, and cursing was one thing I tried not to do, mostly as I had young children at home and truthfully because I thought that works equalled a way to get to heaven. I realised after practising the law of attraction that I would much rather my children see me for who I really am than to see me inauthentic. When you don't express the most authentic nature of yourself, it eventually leaves you with massive resentment. Our resentment grows, ultimately, which creates disease, health issues, cancer and death. That, to me, is a travesty.

I am so appreciative of those experiences because what it has taught me is that when I share my life with you, you know without a doubt I am honest with you. I am not going to feed you some fluffy stories in hopes you'll hang around and continue reading my blog. I am forward in what I say, and honestly, I think more women should be that way. Now, maybe to get your point across you don't feel the need to use profanity, and that is perfectly fine. I love you for you, no matter what and with the same breath, I say that I expect you to love me, no matter what, too. 

Most affably yours til my next swim, raquelxxx 

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

4 Monumental Life Realizations I Learned When My Son Was Killed

My dear friends, 

The subject line is always a little startling even when I type it, and I sometimes wonder if it'll always be that way. I can't hardly bear to type 'murder', so I say killed {and that still doesn't even help, really}. I hope you each know, I really appreciate you and your kindness. This week I had some events occur, and they really were tough. I will share them with you in a few weeks, I'm sure of it; however, they are a little fresh in my mind, and I need a moment to process. I did want to share a post with you about a few things that I realised in these last months since my son has been gone, in hopes, it will shed some light on what has permeated my mind. I didn't share a post about what I have learned in the last ten years {like most blogs have} or post photos on social media because honestly, that's what lead me to write this post.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Why Blocking Me On Social Media Is The Creepiest Form Of Flattery

My dear friend, 

Why you ask, am I in the least bit concerned about this topic or even for that matter writing about it? Well, to begin with, I have this blog for reasons of wanting to dissect issues of human behaviour, to deeply understand why people do what they do. Furthermore, I think if it's something that at one time has bothered the stew out of me, then I would be willing to make a million-dollar bet, some other person has had the issue as well. I'm going to tell you why folks do this and how to find the ease within yourself if it ever happens in your realm of experience. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Diary | Why A Victorian Christmas And My Daily Thoughts This Week

My Dear friends, 

To begin this post, I first wanted to tell you that I published another new podcast episode. I publish podcast episodes every Tuesday, in which I named them "Tales on Tuesday." Cute, huh? You can skedaddle to my sidebar and tap the podcast link. If you don't mind, and you have a free minute, I would love it if you gave me a review on iTunes. It really improves my analytics and increases my ability to get more advertising. Yes, in which, that means I get paid. It's how I make my living, ya'll. So, thank you in advance, dear friends. 

Friday, November 15, 2019

I Love Captain Jack, Let Me Count The Ways

My Dear Friends, and Mermaid Junkies,

(GOTCHA- I bet you thought this a frivolous post, but I'm no frivolous kind of gal.)

I just came out of meditation, and I'm in complete alignment. Isn't it the most beautiful feeling when in touch with our highest self?

I made a cup of tea, and I'm happy to see all of the comments from you, my dear friends.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

What 2019 Taught Me About My Clothing And Style Of Dress

My dear friends and Mermaid Junkies, 

Who knew there was something called embodied cognition? I should have guessed because quite frankly I've been on a quest to understand what in the hellfire and brimstone has been emerging from my spirited yet, disenchanted wobbliness when it comes to what I'm wearing. Since childhood, I've fluctuated with my clothing. I love two separate styles, absolutely polar opposite of each other and to be quite honest with you, I NEEDED to bring this to the forefront- meaning, to blog about it, because it has started to drive me up a proverbial wall!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Why I've Decided To Stay With A Blogger Template

My Dear Friends & Mermaid Junkies, 

Why am I back to calling you Mermaid Junkies? I am planning to go on a diatribe about it, so I'm keeping that for the next blog post, mmmm kay. {smile}

I'm having a cup of Chamomile extra sleepytime tea and a pumpkin bar for this evening while writing to you. I'm all nestled with my BG {Beloved Gardener}laying next to me, while I blog. Honestly, I look forward to writing every single day. If I'm not typing, I'm writing in a book, journal or on a scrap of paper somewhere. It feeds my soul, and there's nothing that makes me happier than writing- well, and painting, of course. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

My Victorian Louis Vuitton Planner Systems

My dear friends, 

Do you know why I address you like that, "My dear friends" at every blog post entry? It's because, through the years while I have studied Beatrix Potter, I read that she would address her friends that way, so I thought it indeed charming, and should give it a go, too. What better way to relish in the lovely adoration than to emulate our friends and heroes? Of course, I added a bit more to my enclosures, "Most affably yours til my next swim." I was going through a branding course- one of those terrible classes that I had paid for, and sorely regret because I could've used a google search bar and learned more than throwing two hundred dollars down the toilet. But I digress. 

Saturday, October 12, 2019

How To Build Your Brand Like The Victorian Author Beatrix Potter

My dear friends,

Hello Hello! I have been speedily packing the POD, and we will be gone from our home in less than 24 hours. It seems unreal. I am indeed satisfied with my life currently, but very eager for all of the new adventures that are bubbling up for the gardener and me. I am excited to share all of it with you. I was thinking this morning after my meditation practice of how fun it will be when I take you along to start searching for our forever property. 

Monday, August 5, 2019

A Mermaids Meditation Practice {The Abraham Hicks Way}

Updated: August 5th 2019

The new website is forthcoming!

My dear friends, 

As many of you know, I began practising the Law of Attraction {Abraham Hicks} in 2014, and that is precisely when I started my daily practice of meditating.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

6 Ways To Navigate From Religion To Spirituality

My dear friends,

I often speak on my blog about partly vexing subjects. My attempts are too fragrant them just enough to know that I am polite in my efforts, and in no way do I have the intentions to cause anyone affliction. 

I keep this reminder of my well being on my writing desk.

"What other people think of me is none of my business."~Gary Oldman

A verifiable writer has an expansive desire to speak about their lives, share particulars that nearly ripped them to emotional shreds, or to simply write about a lovely stroll at the park. A writer must write as if their life depends on it. Between writing and breathing, to survive;  both are required {smile}. 

Monday, December 24, 2018

How A Real Life Mermaid Keeps Her Balance


My dear friends, 

Might you pour some tea and let us visit? Did you happen to see any of my latest YouTube videos? The most darling portion of the video is Oliver.  He seems to be a crowd-pleaser.

My dear friends, I wanted to talk to you about daily balance. Do you have a daily balancing/nurturing ritual?

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The Art Of Taking Inspired Action {According To Abraham Hicks}

Hello, dear friends and mermaid Junkies,

In the realm of spirituality, I'm sure if you're anything like me, you're quite frequently hearing the words: action, inspired action, manifesting, the law of attraction and you start to think...what is all the fuss about with this woohoo, new age stuff. Or maybe even, you say things to yourself such as, "That crap doesn't work!" and then you click away, or in my instance, you swim away never to return. (Heh...)

Did any of that just resonate with you? I hope it certainly did because if it did, you are much like me at the beginning of my transformational journey into the Law of Attraction. So hold on! Don't swim away quite yet, because I think you swam here for a reason. I think we were meant to meet.

You are perhaps looking for answers, and I'm here to help inspire you to find those answers.

The key to this manifesting tool is to know the difference between
Ask, Believe, Receive!

Just simple ACTION is what most humans have been conditioned to do. Say for example you "need" (the operative word here, which I'll go into in a sec.) is a job that pays the bills, or you say things like,

"I need to get the heck out of this marriage."

"I need to pay the mortgage."

"I need to buy my children, food and clothes."

"I need to lose 35 pounds."

So you immediately head out busting the pavement, bound and determined you're gonna " MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN."

You say to yourself... Something's gotta stick... blah, blah, blah... And I say Blah, Blah, Blah... because that's what the Universe hears.  Nothing, Notta, Zilch.

The Universe only hears what you MEAN, not what you SAY. The Universe vibrates on energy and alignment, not force and pushing against things. Now you may end up getting a job, etc. but you know what the old adage is, " you're bound to get filthy in the process."

I'm here to tell you the complete opposite of what everyone else will say to you in the spiritual guru field or the entrepreneurial realm.

Stop doing so much work. Stop taking ACTION!"

Float for a few minutes while I continue to explain the secret to getting exactly what you want, and how to get what you want.

Here's the answer for how taking " INSPIRED ACTION" works.

When a person is in alignment, there is an ease about manifesting things that we desire. Usually, we tackle something we want, drag it to the depths and kill it. When what we should be doing is setting the intention and sending it into the Universe and forgetting about it.

When we receive moments of "Inspired Action" there are a few things to ask yourself always:

1. Do you feel that not doing it is not an option, or that wild horses can't keep you from taking inspired action?

2. Is the "Inspired" thought coming from a place of ease and excitement, or coming from a feeling of need and lack?

To recognise the difference between the two. Action or Inspired Action.

Our goal here is to only take moments of action when they are wholly Inspired, and if we do this we will always come out ahead, and we won't be exerting all of our energy on unnecessary action.

Here's a Mermaid analogy for you.

As a Mermaid performer, I had to continually be aware of my lung capacity and air reserve. If I were to have expended all of my air on an unnecessary move or exhale at the wrong time; I would have been in trouble. The absolute danger of dying was always a possibility.

How often we do things that are spiritually and emotionally threatening to our welfare because we didn't relax and follow the flow of the path of least resistance.


"Be mindful that moving slowly by inspired action is the right way to manifest magical things."

Yours til my next swim, Raquel

If you feel "Inspired" by this post, I'd love it if you shared it with those you love. Also, click over on my Youtube channel and subscribe to get more Treasure Trove Tips on spirituality.

Most affably yours til my next swim, Raquelxxx

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